terça-feira, 12 de junho de 2007

Apollo agora é AIR (Adobe Integrated Runtime)

Finalmente a resposta para a extensão dos arquivos que estávamos criando para o Apollo. AIR = Adobe Integrated Runtime.
Apollo foi o nome utilizado pela Adobe até aqui, durante a fase Alpha do AIR que agora está na fase Beta, trazendo de imediato os seguintes recursos adicionais em relação ao que exploramos em sua fase anterior:

  • Support for PDF (Reader 8.1 must be installed)
  • Dramatically improved runtime and application install experience
  • Embedded local database (using SQLite)
  • Drag'n'drop and clipboard support
  • Numerous HTML support and hosting API improvements, including support for transparent HTML windows
  • Initial implementation of code signing for AIR applications
  • Server/service connectivity API
  • Native menuing API on Mac
  • Native file pickers/browsers
  • Basic runtime update support
  • Initial implementation of file type registration by AIR applications
  • Improvements to windowing API
  • Support for default network options
  • Security model improvements, including Doors API for communicating between high and low privilege Flash content
Mudanças na API:
  • File.currentDirectory has been removed. Developers should use InvokeEvent.currentDirectory instead
  • File.appResourceDirectory has been changed to File.applicationResourceDirectory
  • File.appStorageDirectory has been changed to File.applicationStorageDirectory
Visite o Adobe Labs.

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